* * Silly Facebook Status: Fun with Star Wars *

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fun with Star Wars

  • is busy with Jedi business, go back to your drinks.
  • says size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you?
  • may not look like much, but has got it where it counts, kid!
  • is almost there...just a couple of seconds.
  • says there's an awful lot of moisture in here.
  • just wants you to take her. I mean it. Take her!
  • is going in, and is going in full throttle!
  • says I don't think the Empire in mind when they designed her.
  • say at last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi!
  • says good job. Don't get cocky.
  • says I am your father.
  • says that's no moon.
  • is caught in a tractor beam. It's pulling us in.